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Dr. Ferrer is an accomplished author, endowed with extensive experience in the field of medicine. One of the several books he has written is Graceful Exit: How to Advocate Effectively, Take Care of Yourself, and Be Present for the Death of a Loved One.

In 2018 the book won “Gold” at the Nautilus Book Award.


In a second book, Cough Cures: The Best Natural Remedies and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Acute and Chronic Cough (Moxie Life Press, April 2016) challenges our Western mindset that over medicates Dr. Ferrer offers a blend of Western and natural remedies to effectively address both acute and chronic respiratory issues. 


Cough Cures was translated into Spanish with the title Cura Tu Tos con Los Remedios de Abuelita: Una Guía Completa de Los Mejores Remedios Naturales y Medicinas Sin Receta Médica Para la Tos Aguda y Crónica (Moxie Life Press, October 2016).

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How to Advocate Effectively, Take Care of Yourself, and Be Present for the Death of a Loved One.

When we are thrust into the role of caregiver for a loved one who is in the process of dying, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Yet it’s a situation millions of us face every year with virtually no sort of preparation or guidance. In Graceful Exit, Dr. Gustavo Ferrer offers an all-in-one resource for anyone tasked with terminal-care management for a loved one—a guide through the medical, legal, financial, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of dying and death.

Dr. Ferrer shares the essential steps for preparing for the death of a loved one in a way that can be tailored for each unique situation. Through checklists, plans, and step-by-step instructions, he offers clear and compassionate guidance for the most difficult issues, including: What are your rights under Medicare and health insurance? When should you bring your family together? How can you be a caregiver without burning yourself out? What are the pros and cons of advanced medical treatment vs hospice at the end of life? And most importantly, how you can prepare to say goodbye in a way that brings healing, closure, and peace—how to prepare for a Graceful Exit.

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Best Natural Remedies and Over-the-Counters for Acute and Chronic Cough.

In this groundbreaking book you will find the best of both worlds, bridging the gap between conventional and holistic medicine. Cough Cures is not just about coughs – it’s about natural alternatives for antibiotics, cough syrups, pain and sleeping medications, even antacids. Dr. Gustavo Ferrer a renowned pulmonologist and Burke Lennihan RN, a certified practitioner in holistic medicine, bring you a book packed with natural cures and guides to the best over-the-counter drugs for acute and chronic cough.

You will also learn about acupressure, breathing exercises, and other techniques. The recommendations for natural remedies are documented with more than 200 research studies, so that both parents and physicians can feel confident in using them. COUGH CURES has the answers you’ve been waiting for!

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En Cura Tu Tos con los Remedios de Abuelita puedes encontrar lo mejor de las medicina moderna y de los remedios naturales.


Este libro es más que una guía de remedios para la tos, es sobre los mejores tratamientos para las dolencias asociadas con la tos, como dolor, fiebre y trastornos del sueño. En el también aprenderás como usar la acupresión, ejercicios respiratorios, oración y otras técnicas. El Dr. Ferrer te orienta cuando puedes tratar algo en casa y cuando debes de ir al médico. Las recomendaciones están documentadas con más de 200 estudios de investigación, por lo que los padres y los médicos pueden confiar en su uso. Escrito en un lenguaje sencillo y fácil de entender. Cura Tu Tos tiene las respuestas estabas esperando!

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